ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) NNAAMMEE ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icom- bine, ijoin - Interactive spelling checking SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS iissppeellll [_c_o_m_m_o_n_-_f_l_a_g_s] [--MM|--NN] [--LL_c_o_n_t_e_x_t]] [--VV] files iissppeellll [_c_o_m_m_o_n_-_f_l_a_g_s] --ll iissppeellll [_c_o_m_m_o_n_-_f_l_a_g_s] [--ff file] [--ss] {--aa|--AA} iissppeellll [--dd _f_i_l_e] [--ww _c_h_a_r_s] --cc iissppeellll [--dd _f_i_l_e] [--ww _c_h_a_r_s] --ee[ee] iissppeellll [--dd _f_i_l_e] --DD iissppeellll --vv[vv] _c_o_m_m_o_n_-_f_l_a_g_s: [--tt] [--nn] [--bb] [--xx] [--BB] [--CC] [--PP] [--mm] [--SS] [--dd _f_i_l_e] [--pp _f_i_l_e] [--ww _c_h_a_r_s] [--WW _n] [--TT _t_y_p_e] bbuuiillddhhaasshh [--ss] _d_i_c_t_-_f_i_l_e _a_f_f_i_x_-_f_i_l_e _h_a_s_h_-_f_i_l_e bbuuiillddhhaasshh --ss _c_o_u_n_t _a_f_f_i_x_-_f_i_l_e mmuunncchhlliisstt [--ll _a_f_f_-_f_i_l_e] [--cc _c_o_n_v_-_f_i_l_e] [--TT _s_u_f_f_i_x] [--ss _h_a_s_h_-_f_i_l_e] [--DD] [--vv] [--ww _c_h_a_r_s] [_f_i_l_e_s] ffiinnddaaffffiixx [--pp|--ss] [--ff] [--cc] [--mm _m_i_n] [--MM _m_a_x] [--ee _e_l_i_m] [--tt _t_a_b_c_h_a_r] [--ll _l_o_w] [_f_i_l_e_s] ttrryyaaffffiixx [--pp|--ss]] [--cc] _e_x_p_a_n_d_e_d_-_f_i_l_e _a_f_f_i_x[_+_a_d_d_i_t_i_o_n] iiccoommbbiinnee [--TT _t_y_p_e] [_a_f_f_-_f_i_l_e] iijjooiinn [--ss|--uu] _j_o_i_n_-_o_p_t_i_o_n_s _f_i_l_e_1 _f_i_l_e_2 DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _I_s_p_e_l_l is fashioned after the _s_p_e_l_l program from ITS (called _i_s_p_e_l_l on Twenex systems.) The most common usage is "ispell filename". In this case, _i_s_p_e_l_l will display each word which does not appear in the dictionary at the top of the screen and allow you to change it. If there are "near misses" in the dictionary (words which differ by only a single letter, a missing or extra letter, a pair of transposed letters, or a missing space or hyphen), then they are also displayed on following lines. As well as "near misses", ispell may display other guesses at ways to make the word from a known root, with each guess preceded by question marks. Finally, the line containing the word and the previous line are printed at the bottom of the screen. If your terminal can display in reverse video, the word itself is highlighted. You have the option of replacing the word completely, or choosing one of the sug- gested words. Commands are single characters as follows (case is ignored): R Replace the misspelled word completely. local 1 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) Space Accept the word this time only. A Accept the word for the rest of this _i_s_p_e_l_l session. I Accept the word, capitalized as it is in the file, and update private dictionary. U Accept the word, and add an uncapitalized (actually, all lower-case) version to the private dictionary. 0-_n Replace with one of the suggested words. L Look up words in system dictionary (con- trolled by the WORDS compilation option). X Write the rest of this file, ignoring mis- spellings, and start next file. Q Exit immediately and leave the file unchanged. ! Shell escape. ^L Redraw screen. ^Z Suspend ispell. ? Give help screen. If the --MM switch is specified, a one-line mini-menu at the bottom of the screen will summarize these options. Con- versely, the --NN switch may be used to suppress the mini- menu. (The minimenu is displayed by default if _i_s_p_e_l_l was compiled with the MINIMENU option, but these two switches will always override the default). If the --LL flag is given, the specified number is used as the number of lines of context to be shown at the bottom of the screen (The default is to calculate the amount of context as a certain percentage of the screen size). The amount of context is subject to a system-imposed limit. If the --VV flag is given, characters that are not in the 7-bit ANSI printable character set will always be dis- played in the style of "cat -v", even if _i_s_p_e_l_l thinks that these characters are legal ISO Latin-1 on your sys- tem. This is useful when working with older terminals. Without this switch, _i_s_p_e_l_l will display 8-bit characters "as is" if they have been defined as string characters for the chosen file type. "Normal" mode, as well as the --ll, --aa, and --AA options (see local 2 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) below) also accepts the following "common" flags on the command line: --tt The input file is in TeX or LaTeX format. --nn The input file is in nroff/troff format. --bb Create a backup file by appending ".bak" to the name of the input file. --xx Don't create a backup file. --BB Report run-together words with missing blanks as spelling errors. --CC Consider run-together words as legal com- pounds. --PP Don't generate extra root/affix combina- tions. --mm Make possible root/affix combinations that aren't in the dictionary. --SS Sort the list of guesses by probable cor- rectness. --dd file Specify an alternate dictionary file. For example, use --dd ddeeuuttsscchh to choose a German dictionary in a German installation. --pp file Specify an alternate personal dictionary. --ww chars Specify additional characters that can be part of a word. --WW n Specify length of words that are always legal. --TT type Assume a given formatter type for all files. The --nn and --tt options select whether _i_s_p_e_l_l runs in nroff/troff (--nn) or TeX/LaTeX (--tt) input mode. (The default is controlled by the DEFTEXFLAG installation option.) TeX/LaTeX mode is also automatically selected if an input file has the extension ".tex", unless overridden by the --nn switch. In TeX/LaTeX mode, whenever a backslash ("\") is found, _i_s_p_e_l_l will skip to the next whitespace or TeX/LaTeX delimiter. Certain commands contain arguments which should not be checked, such as labels and reference local 3 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) keys as are found in the \cite command, since they contain arbitrary, non-word arguments. Spell checking is also suppressed when in math mode. Thus, for example, given \chapter {This is a Ckapter} \cite{SCH86} _i_s_p_e_l_l will find "Ckapter" but not "SCH". The --tt option does not recognize the TeX comment character "%", so com- ments are also spell-checked. It also assumes correct LaTeX syntax. Arguments to infrequently used commands and some optional arguments are sometimes checked unnecessar- ily. The bibliography will not be checked if _i_s_p_e_l_l was compiled with IIGGNNOORREEBBIIBB defined. Otherwise, the bibliog- raphy will be checked but the reference key will not. References for the _t_i_b(1) bibliography system, that is, text between a ``[.'' or ``<.'' and ``.]'' or ``.>'' will always be ignored in TeX/LaTeX mode. The --bb and --xx options control whether _i_s_p_e_l_l leaves a backup (.bak) file for each input file. The .bak file contains the pre-corrected text. If there are file open- ing / writing errors, the .bak file may be left for recov- ery purposes even with the --xx option. The default for this option is controlled by the DEFNOBACKUPFLAG installa- tion option. The --BB and --CC options control how _i_s_p_e_l_l handles run- together words, such as "notthe" for "not the". If --BB is specified, such words will be considered as errors, and _i_s_p_e_l_l will list variations with an inserted blank or hyphen as possible replacements. If --CC is specified, run- together words will be considered to be legal compounds, so long as both components are in the dictionary, and each component is at least as long as a language-dependent min- imum (3 characters, by default). This is useful for lan- guages such as German and Norwegian, where many compound words are formed by concatenation. (Note that compounds formed from three or more root words will still be consid- ered errors). The default for this option is language- dependent; in a multi-lingual installation the default may vary depending on which dictionary you choose. The --PP and --mm options control when _i_s_p_e_l_l automatically generates suggested root/affix combinations for possible addition to your personal dictionary. (These are the entries in the "guess" list which are preceded by question marks.) If --PP is specified, such guesses are displayed only if _i_s_p_e_l_l cannot generate any possibilities that match the current dictionary. If --mm is specified, such guesses are always displayed. This can be useful if the dictionary has a limited word list, or a word list with few suffixes. However, you should be careful when using this option, as it can generate guesses that produce local 4 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) illegal words. The default for this option is controlled by the dictionary file used. The --SS option suppresses _i_s_p_e_l_l's normal behavior of sort- ing the list of possible replacement words. Some people may prefer this, since it somewhat enhances the probabil- ity that the correct word will be low-numbered. The --dd option is used to specify an alternate hashed dic- tionary file, other than the default. If the filename does not contain a "/", the library directory for the default dictionary file is prefixed; thus, to use a dic- tionary in the local directory "-d ./xxx.hash" must be used. This is useful to allow dictionaries for alternate languages. Unlike previous versions of _i_s_p_e_l_l, a dictio- nary of _/_d_e_v_/_n_u_l_l is illegal, because the dictionary con- tains the affix table. If you need an effectively empty dictionary, create a one-entry list with an unlikely string (e.g., "qqqqq"). The --pp option is used to specify an alternate personal dictionary file. If the file name does not begin with "/", $HOME is prefixed. Also, the shell variable WORDLIST may be set, which renames the personal dictionary in the same manner. The command line overrides any WORDLIST set- ting. If neither the --pp switch nor the WORDLIST environ- ment variable is given, _i_s_p_e_l_l will search for a personal dictionary in both the current directory and $HOME, creat- ing one in $HOME if none is found. The preferred name is constructed by appending ".ispell_" to the base name of the hash file. For example, if you use the English dic- tionary, your personal dictionary would be named ".ispell_english". However, if the file ".ispell_words" exists, it will be used as the personal dictionary regard- less of the language hash file chosen. This feature is included primarily for backwards compatibility. If the --pp option is _n_o_t specified, _i_s_p_e_l_l will look for personal dictionaries in both the current directory and the home directory. If dictionaries exist in both places, they will be merged. If any words are added to the per- sonal dictionary, they will be written to the current directory if a dictionary already existed in that place; otherwise they will be written to the dictionary in the home directory. The --ww option may be used to specify characters other than alphabetics which may also appear in words. For instance, --ww "&" will allow "AT&T" to be picked up. Underscores are useful in many technical documents. There is an admit- tedly crude provision in this option for 8-bit interna- tional characters. Non-printing characters may be speci- fied in the usual way by inserting a backslash followed by the octal character code; e.g., "\014" for a form feed. local 5 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) Alternatively, if "n" appears in the character string, the (up to) three characters following are a DECIMAL code 0 - 255, for the character. For example, to include bells and form feeds in your words (an admittedly silly thing to do, but aren't most pedagogical examples): n007n012 Numeric digits other than the three following "n" are sim- ply numeric characters. Use of "n" does not conflict with anything because actual alphabetics have no meaning - alphabetics are already accepted. _I_s_p_e_l_l will typically be used with input from a file, meaning that preserving parity for possible 8 bit characters from the input text is OK. If you specify the -l option, and actually type text from the terminal, this may create problems if your stty settings preserve parity. The --WW option may be used to change the length of words that _i_s_p_e_l_l always accepts as legal. Normally, _i_s_p_e_l_l will accept all 1-character words as legal, which is equivalent to specifying "--WW 11." (The default for this switch is actually controlled by the MINWORD installation option, so it may vary at your installation.) If you want all words to be checked against the dictionary, regardless of length, you might want to specify "--WW 00." On the other hand, if your document specifies a lot of three-letter acronyms, you would specify "--WW 33" to accept all words of three letters or less. Regardless of the setting of this option, _i_s_p_e_l_l will only generate words that are in the dictionary as suggested replacements for words; this pre- vents the list from becoming too long. Obviously, this option can be very dangerous, since short misspellings may be missed. If you use this option a lot, you should prob- ably make a last pass without it before you publish your document, to protect yourself against errors. The --TT option is used to specify a default formatter type for use in generating string characters. This switch overrides the default type determined from the file name. The _t_y_p_e argument may be either one of the unique names defined in the language affix file (e.g., nnrrooffff) or a file suffix including the dot (e.g., ..tteexx). If no --TT option appears and no type can be determined from the file name, the default string character type declared in the language affix file will be used. The --ll or "list" option to _i_s_p_e_l_l is used to produce a list of misspelled words from the standard input. The --aa option is intended to be used from other programs through a pipe. In this mode, _i_s_p_e_l_l prints a one-line version identification message, and then begins reading lines of input. For each input line, a single line is local 6 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) written to the standard output for each word checked for spelling on the line. If the word was found in the main dictionary, or your personal dictionary, then the line contains only a '*'. If the word was found through affix removal, then the line contains a '+', a space, and the root word. If the word was found through compound forma- tion (concatenation of two words, controlled by the --CC option), then the line contains only a '-'. If the word is not in the dictionary, but there are near misses, then the line contains an '&', a space, the mis- spelled word, a space, the number of near misses, the num- ber of characters between the beginning of the line and the beginning of the misspelled word, a colon, another space, and a list of the near misses separated by commas and spaces. Following the near misses (and identified only by the count of near misses), if the word could be formed by adding (illegal) affixes to a known root, is a list of suggested derivations, again separated by commas and spaces. If there are no near misses at all, the line format is the same, except that the '&' is replaced by '?' (and the near-miss count is always zero). The suggested derivations following the near misses are in the form: [prefix+] root [-prefix] [-suffix] [+suffix] (e.g., "re+fry-y+ies" to get "refries") where each optional _p_f_x and _s_f_x is a string. Also, each near miss or guess is capitalized the same as the input word unless such capitalization is illegal; in the latter case each near miss is capitalized correctly according to the dic- tionary. Finally, if the word does not appear in the dictionary, and there are no near misses, then the line contains a '#', a space, the misspelled word, a space, and the char- acter offset from the beginning of the line. Each sen- tence of text input is terminated with an additional blank line, indicating that _i_s_p_e_l_l has completed processing the input line. These output lines can be summarized as follows: OK: * Root: + Compound: - Miss: & : , , ..., , ... local 7 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) Guess: ? 0 : , , ... None: # For example, a dummy dictionary containing the words "fray", "Frey", "fry", and "refried" might produce the following response to the command "echo 'frqy refries | ispell -a -m -d ./test.hash": (#) International Ispell Version 3.0.05 (beta), 08/10/91 & frqy 3 0: fray, Frey, fry & refries 1 5: refried, re+fry-y+ies This mode is also suitable for interactive use when you want to figure out the spelling of a single word. The --AA option works just like --aa, except that if a line begins with the string "&Include_File&", the rest of the line is taken as the name of a file to read for further words. Input returns to the original file when the include file is exhausted. Inclusion may be nested up to five deep. The key string may be changed with the envi- ronment variable IINNCCLLUUDDEE__SSTTRRIINNGG (the ampersands, if any, must be included). When in the --aa mode, _i_s_p_e_l_l will also accept lines of sin- gle words prefixed with any of '*', '&', '@', '+', '-', '~', '#', '!', '%', or '^'. A line starting with '*' tells _i_s_p_e_l_l to insert the word into the user's dictionary (similar to the I command). A line starting with '&' tells _i_s_p_e_l_l to insert an all-lowercase version of the word into the user's dictionary (similar to the U com- mand). A line starting with '@' causes _i_s_p_e_l_l to accept this word in the future (similar to the A command). A line starting with '+', followed immediately by tteexx or nnrrooffff will cause _i_s_p_e_l_l to parse future input according the syntax of that formatter. A line consisting solely of a '+' will place _i_s_p_e_l_l in TeX/LaTeX mode (similar to the --tt option) and '-' returns _i_s_p_e_l_l to nroff/troff mode (but these commands are obsolete). However, string character type is _n_o_t changed; the '~' command must be used to do this. A line starting with '~' causes _i_s_p_e_l_l to set internal parameters (in particular, the default string character type) based on the filename given in the rest of the line. (A file suffix is sufficient, but the period must be included. Instead of a file name or suffix, a unique name, as listed in the language affix file, may be specified.) However, the formatter parsing is _n_o_t changed; the '+' command must be used to change the for- matter. A line prefixed with '#' will cause the personal dictionary to be saved. A line prefixed with '!' will turn on _t_e_r_s_e mode (see below), and a line prefixed with '%' will return _i_s_p_e_l_l to normal (non-terse) mode. Any input following the prefix characters '+', '-', '#', '!', local 8 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) or '%' is ignored, as is any input following the filename on a '~' line. To allow spell-checking of lines beginning with these characters, a line starting with '^' has that character removed before it is passed to the spell- checking code. It is recommended that programmatic inter- faces prefix every data line with an uparrow to protect themselves against future changes in _i_s_p_e_l_l. To summarize these: * Add to personal dictionary @ Accept word, but leave out of dictionary # Save current personal dictionary ~ Set parameters based on filename + Enter TeX mode - Exit TeX mode ! Enter terse mode % Exit terse mode ^ Spell-check rest of line In _t_e_r_s_e mode, _i_s_p_e_l_l will not print lines beginning with '*', '+', or '-', all of which indicate correct words. This significantly improves running speed when the driving program is going to ignore correct words anyway. The --ss option is only valid in conjunction with the --aa or --AA options, and only on BSD-derived systems. If speci- fied, _i_s_p_e_l_l will stop itself with a SSIIGGTTSSTTPP signal after each line of input. It will not read more input until it receives a SSIIGGCCOONNTT signal. This may be useful for hand- shaking with certain text editors. The --ff option is only valid in conjunction with the --aa or --AA options. If --ff is specified, _i_s_p_e_l_l will write its results to the given file, rather than to standard output. The --vv option causes _i_s_p_e_l_l to print its current version identification on the standard output and exit. If the switch is doubled, _i_s_p_e_l_l will also print the options that it was compiled with. The --cc, --ee[11--44], and --DD options of _i_s_p_e_l_l, are primarily intended for use by the _m_u_n_c_h_l_i_s_t shell script. The --cc switch causes a list of words to be read from the standard input. For each word, a list of possible root words and local 9 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) affixes will be written to the standard output. Some of the root words will be illegal and must be filtered from the output by other means; the _m_u_n_c_h_l_i_s_t script does this. As an example, the command: echo BOTHER | ispell -c produces: BOTHER BOTHE/R BOTH/R The --ee switch is the reverse of --cc; it expands affix flags to produce a list of words. For example, the command: echo BOTH/R | ispell -e produces: BOTH BOTHER An optional expansion level can also be specified. A level of 1 (--ee11) is the same as --ee alone. A level of 2 causes the original root/affix combination to be prepended to the line: BOTH/R BOTH BOTHER A level of 3 causes multiple lines to be output, one for each generated word, with the original root/affix combina- tion followed by the word it creates: BOTH/R BOTH BOTH/R BOTHER A level of 4 causes a floating-point number to be appended to each of the level-3 lines, giving the ratio between the length of the root and the total length of all generated words including the root: BOTH/R BOTH 2.500000 BOTH/R BOTHER 2.500000 Finally, the --DD flag causes the affix tables from the dic- tionary file to be dumped to standard output. Unless your system administrator has suppressed the fea- ture to save space, _i_s_p_e_l_l is aware of the correct capi- talizations of words in the dictionary and in your per- sonal dictionary. As well as recognizing words that must be capitalized (e.g., George) and words that must be all- capitals (e.g., NASA), it can also handle words with "unusual" capitalization (e.g., "ITCorp" or "TeX"). If a word is capitalized incorrectly, the list of possibilities will include all acceptable capitalizations. (More than local 10 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) one capitalization may be acceptable; for example, my dic- tionary lists both "ITCorp" and "ITcorp".) Normally, this feature will not cause you surprises, but there is one circumstance you need to be aware of. If you use "I" to add a word to your dictionary that is at the beginning of a sentence (e.g., the first word of this paragraph if "normally" were not in the dictionary), it will be marked as "capitalization required". A subsequent usage of this word without capitalization (e.g., the quoted word in the previous sentence) will be considered a misspelling by _i_s_p_e_l_l, and it will suggest the capitalized version. You must then compare the actual spellings by eye, and then type "I" to add the uncapitalized variant to your personal dictionary. You can avoid this problem by using "U" to add the original word, rather than "I". The rules for capitalization are as follows: (1) Any word may appear in all capitals, as in head- ings. (2) Any word that is in the dictionary in all-lowercase form may appear either in lowercase or capitalized (as at the beginning of a sentence). (3) Any word that has "funny" capitalization (i.e., it contains both cases and there is an uppercase char- acter besides the first) must appear exactly as in the dictionary, except as permitted by rule (1). If the word is acceptable in all-lowercase, it must appear thus in a dictionary entry. bbuuiillddhhaasshh The _b_u_i_l_d_h_a_s_h program builds hashed dictionary files for later use by _i_s_p_e_l_l_. The raw word list (with affix flags) is given in _d_i_c_t_-_f_i_l_e, and the the affix flags are defined by _a_f_f_i_x_-_f_i_l_e. The hashed output is written to _h_a_s_h_-_f_i_l_e. The formats of the two input files are described in _i_s_p_e_l_l(4). The --ss (silent) option suppresses the usual status messages that are written to the standard error device. mmuunncchhlliisstt The _m_u_n_c_h_l_i_s_t shell script is used to reduce the size of dictionary files, primarily personal dictionary files. It is also capable of combining dictionaries from various sources. The given _f_i_l_e_s are read (standard input if no arguments are given), reduced to a minimal set of roots and affixes that will match the same list of words, and written to standard output. Input for munchlist contains of raw words (e.g from your personal dictionary files) or root and affix combinations local 11 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) (probably generated in earlier munchlist runs). Each word or root/affix combination must be on a separate line. The --DD (debug) option leaves temporary files around under standard names instead of deleting them, so that the script can be debugged. Warning: this option can eat up an enormous amount of temporary file space. The --vv (verbose) option causes progress messages to be reported to stderr so you won't get nervous that _m_u_n_c_h_l_i_s_t has hung. If the --ss (strip) option is specified, words that are in the specified _h_a_s_h_-_f_i_l_e are removed from the word list. This can be useful with personal dictionaries. The --ll option can be used to specify an alternate _a_f_f_i_x_- _f_i_l_e for munching dictionaries in languages other than English. The --cc option can be used to convert dictionaries that were built with an older affix file, without risk of acci- dentally introducing unintended affix combinations into the dictionary. The --TT option allows dictionaries to be converted to a canonical string-character format. The suffix specified is looked up in the affix file (--ll switch) to determine the string-character format used for the input file; the output always uses the canonical string-character format. For example, a dictionary collected from TeX source files might be converted to canonical format by specifying --TT tteexx. The --ww option is passed on to _i_s_p_e_l_l. ffiinnddaaffffiixx The _f_i_n_d_a_f_f_i_x shell script is an aid to writers of new language descriptions in choosing affixes. The given dic- tionary _f_i_l_e_s (standard input if none are given) are exam- ined for possible prefixes (--pp switch) or suffixes (--ss switch, the default). Each commonly-occurring affix is presented along with a count of the number of times it appears and an estimate of the number of bytes that would be saved in a dictionary hash file if it were added to the language table. Only affixes that generate legal roots (found in the original input) are listed. If the "-c" option is not given, the output lines are in the following format: strip/add/count/bytes where _s_t_r_i_p is the string that should be stripped from a local 12 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) root word before adding the affix, _a_d_d is the affix to be added, _c_o_u_n_t is a count of the number of times that this _s_t_r_i_p/_a_d_d combination appears, and _b_y_t_e_s is an estimate of the number of bytes that might be saved in the raw dictio- nary file if this combination is added to the affix file. The field separator in the output will be the tab charac- ter specified by the --tt switch; the default is a slash ("/"). If the --cc ("clean output") option is given, the appearance of the output is made visually cleaner (but harder to post-process) by changing it to: -strip+addcountbytes where _s_t_r_i_p, _a_d_d, _c_o_u_n_t, and _b_y_t_e_s are as before, and _<_t_a_b_> represents the ASCII tab character. The method used to generate possible affixes will also generate longer affixes which have common headers or trailers. For example, the two words "moth" and "mother" will generate not only the obvious substitution "+er" but also "-h+her" and "-th+ther" (and possibly even longer ones, depending on the value of _m_i_n). To prevent clutter- ing the output with such affixes, any affix pair that shares a common header (or, for prefixes, trailer) string longer than _e_l_i_m characters (default 1) will be sup- pressed. You may want to set "elim" to a value greater than 1 if your language has string characters; usually the need for this parameter will become obvious when you exam- ine the output of your _f_i_n_d_a_f_f_i_x run. Normally, the affixes are sorted according to the estimate of bytes saved. The --ff switch may be used to cause the affixes to be sorted by frequency of appearance. To save output file space, affixes which occur fewer than 10 times are eliminated; this limit may be changed with the --ll switch. The --MM switch specifies a maximum affix length (default 8). Affixes longer than this will not be reported. (This saves on temporary disk space and makes the script run faster.) Affixes which generate stems shorter than 3 characters are suppressed. (A stem is the word after the _s_t_r_i_p string has been removed, and before the _a_d_d string has been added.) This reduces both the running time and the size of the output file. This limit may be changed with the --mm switch. The minimum stem length should only be set to 1 if you have a _l_o_t of free time and disk space (in the range of many days and hundreds of megabytes). The _f_i_n_d_a_f_f_i_x script requires a non-blank field-separator character for internal use. Normally, this character is a local 13 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) slash ("/"), but if the slash appears as a character in the input word list, a different character can be speci- fied with the --tt switch. Ispell dictionaries should be expanded before being fed to _f_i_n_d_a_f_f_i_x; in addition, characters that are not in the English alphabet (if any) should be translated to lower- case. ttrryyaaffffiixx The _t_r_y_a_f_f_i_x shell script is used to estimate the effec- tiveness of a proposed prefix (--pp switch) or suffix (--ss switch, the default) with a given _e_x_p_a_n_d_e_d_-_f_i_l_e. Only one affix can be tried with each execution of _t_r_y_a_f_f_i_x, although multiple arguments can be used to describe vary- ing forms of the same affix flag (e.g., the DD flag for English can add either _D or _E_D depending on whether a trailing E is already present). Each word in the expanded dictionary that ends (or begins) with the chosen suffix (or prefix) has that suffix (prefix) removed; the dictio- nary is then searched for root words that match the stripped word. Normally, all matching roots are written to standard output, but if the --cc (count) flag is given, only a statistical summary of the results is written. The statistics given are a count of words the affix poten- tially applies to and an estimate of the number of dictio- nary bytes that a flag using the affix would save. The estimate will be high if the flag generates words that are currently generated by other affix flags (e.g., in English, _b_a_t_h_e_r_s can be generated by either _b_a_t_h_/_X or _b_a_t_h_e_r_/_S). The dictionary file, _e_x_p_a_n_d_e_d_-_f_i_l_e, must already be expanded (using the --ee switch of _i_s_p_e_l_l) and sorted, and things will usually work best if uppercase has been folded to lower with 'tr'. The _a_f_f_i_x arguments are things to be stripped from the dictionary file to produce trial roots: for English, _c_o_n (prefix) and _i_n_g (suffix) are examples. The _a_d_d_i_t_i_o_n parts of the argument are letters that would have been stripped off the root before adding the affix. For exam- ple, in English the affix _i_n_g normally strips _e for words ending in that letter (e.g., _l_i_k_e becomes _l_i_k_i_n_g) so we might run: tryaffix ing ing+e to cover both cases. All of the shell scripts contain documentation as commen- tary at the beginning; sometimes these comments contain useful information beyond the scope of this manual page. local 14 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) It is possible to install _i_s_p_e_l_l in such a way as to only support ASCII range text if desired. iiccoommbbiinnee The _i_c_o_m_b_i_n_e program is a helper for _m_u_n_c_h_l_i_s_t. It reads a list of words in dictionary format (roots plus flags) from the standard input, and produces a reduced list on standard output which combines common roots found on adja- cent entries. Identical roots which have differing flags will have their flags combined, and roots which have dif- fering capitalizations will be combined in a way which only preserves important capitalization information. The optional _a_f_f_-_f_i_l_e specifies a language file which defines the character sets used and the meanings of the various flags. The --TT switch can be used to select among alterna- tive string character types by giving a dummy suffix that can be found in an aallttssttrriinnggttyyppee statement. iijjooiinn The _i_j_o_i_n program is a re-implementation of _j_o_i_n(1) which handles long lines and 8-bit characters correctly. The --ss switch specifies that the _s_o_r_t(1) program used to prepare the input to _i_j_o_i_n uses signed comparisons on 8-bit char- acters; the --uu switch specifies that _s_o_r_t(1) uses unsigned comparisons. All other options and behaviors of _j_o_i_n(1) are duplicated as exactly as possible based on the manual page, except that _i_j_o_i_n will not handle newline as a field separator. See the _j_o_i_n(1) manual page for more informa- tion. EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTT DICTIONARY Default dictionary to use, if no --dd flag is given. WORDLIST Personal dictionary file name INCLUDE_STRING Code for file inclusion under the --AA option TMPDIR Directory used for some of munchlist's temporary files FFIILLEESS /usr/local/lib/english.hash Hashed dictionary (may be found in some other local directory, depending on the system). /usr/local/lib/english.aff Affix-definition file for _m_u_n_c_h_l_i_s_t /usr/dict/web2 or /usr/dict/words For the Lookup function (depending on the WORDS compilation option). local 15 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) $HOME/.ispell__h_a_s_h_f_i_l_e User's private dictionary .ispell__h_a_s_h_f_i_l_e Directory-specific private dictionary SSEEEE AALLSSOO _s_p_e_l_l(1), _e_g_r_e_p(1), _l_o_o_k(1), _j_o_i_n(1), _s_o_r_t(1), _s_q(1L), _t_i_b(1L), _i_s_p_e_l_l(4L), _e_n_g_l_i_s_h(4L) BBUUGGSS It takes several to many seconds for _i_s_p_e_l_l to read in the hash table, depending on size. When all options are enabled, _i_s_p_e_l_l may take several sec- onds to generate all the guesses at corrections for a mis- spelled word; on slower machines this time is long enough to be annoying. The hash table is stored as a quarter-megabyte (or larger) array, so a PDP-11 or 286 version does not seem likely. _I_s_p_e_l_l should understand more _t_r_o_f_f syntax, and deal more intelligently with contractions. Although small personal dictionaries are sorted before they are written out, the order of capitalizations of the same word is somewhat random. When the --xx flag is specified, _i_s_p_e_l_l will unlink any existing .bak file. There are too many flags, and many of them have non- mnemonic names. _M_u_n_c_h_l_i_s_t does not deal very gracefully with dictionaries which contain "non-word" characters. Such characters ought to be deleted from the dictionary with a warning message. _F_i_n_d_a_f_f_i_x and _m_u_n_c_h_l_i_s_t require tremendous amounts of tem- porary file space for large dictionaries. They do respect the TMPDIR environment variable, so this space can be redirected. However, a lot of the temporary space needed is for sorting, so TMPDIR is only a partial help on sys- tems with an uncooperative _s_o_r_t(1). ("Cooperative" is defined as accepting the undocumented -T switch). At its peak usage, _m_u_n_c_h_l_i_s_t takes 10 to 40 times the original dictionary's size in Kb. (The larger ratio is for dictio- naries that already have heavy affix use, such as the one distributed with _i_s_p_e_l_l). _M_u_n_c_h_l_i_s_t is also very slow; munching a normal-sized dictionary (15K roots, 45K expanded words) takes around an hour on a small worksta- tion. (Most of this time is spent in _s_o_r_t(1), and local 16 ISPELL(1) ISPELL(1) _m_u_n_c_h_l_i_s_t can run much faster on machines that have a more modern _s_o_r_t that makes better use of the memory available to it.) _F_i_n_d_a_f_f_i_x is even worse; the smallest English dictionary cannot be processed with this script in a mere 50Kb of free space, and even after specifying switches to reduce the temporary space required, the script will run for over 24 hours on a small workstation. AAUUTTHHOORR Pace Willisson (pace@mit-vax), 1983, based on the PDP-10 assembly version. That version was written by R. E. Gorin in 1971, and later revised by W. E. Matson (1974) and W. B. Ackerman (1978). Collected, revised, and enhanced for the Usenet by Walt Buehring, 1987. Table-driven multi-lingual version by Geoff Kuenning, 1987-88. Large dictionaries provided by Bob Devine (vianet!devine). A complete list of contributors is too large to list here, but is distributed with the ispell sources in the file "Contributors". VVEERRSSIIOONN The version of ispell described by this manual page is International Ispell Version 3.1.00, 10/08/93. local 17